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The computer you need to buy should be a desktop computer



The computer you need to buy should be a desktop computer

The right desktop-or the working space needed for a powerful laptop-can help you get more done than a lone laptop

However, I was impressed by the quality of the stand-alone monitors and even the current price. These monitors can turn any computer (even a laptop you already own) into a personal Mission Control

The joy of the desktop begins with the recognition that not all computing tasks can be moved equally. Today, smartphones are flooded with e-mail, messaging and Facebook en route, elevators and boring meetings, filling our lives. But for most of us, serious work happens in the same place or places every day. So why not use the computer settings that work best for those places?

The desktop can also look good. These all-in-one products now come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors that can truly fit the house like furniture. They have built-in cameras, microphones and speakers, so they can double as entertainment systems